About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.

Handling Daddy Questions

If you have gone through a divorce or lost a spouse from death, you will be faced with the day when your child starts asking about daddy. If your child is young, the questions may not come for a while but eventually, they will. Even if your child is quite young when the divorce or death occurred, the day will come, usually after your child starts school, when he or she wants to know where daddy is. Remember, children are very smart and they will notice that other families have daddies while they have none. Without doubt, addressing this issue … Continue reading

Single Moms and Sons

I raised both a son and daughter and fortunately, had a beautiful relationship with both. However, I noticed with many of my other single friends who had sons that the level of stress was different. I had always made a conscious effort to have my son and his father maintain a healthy relationship but many of these other sons never even saw their dads. It began to dawn on me that sometimes, single moms forget the importance of a good, male role model in their son’s life. I know that my son reached a point that he felt like the … Continue reading

Parent Tug-of-War

If you are among the majority of divorced parents, you find your kids often put you in a parent tug-of-war game. Let’s face it, kids are really good at getting what they want. Not that they’re bad kids but they quickly learn that coming from a divorced family has its advantages. I remember many times when I had told my kids no about something, only to find out their father took them on his weekend not knowing they were not to go. For instance, my son had been grounded one particular weekend. He had planned on going roller-skating with friends … Continue reading

Child Support from the Ex-Spouse

I remember one October going with my best girlfriend to meet her ex-husband. The purpose of the meeting was to pick up the children but also for him to hand over to her a very late child support payment. After the kids transferred cars, he handed her an envelope and drove off. She was shocked that he paid but her hopes of getting some financial aid was dashed when she opened the envelope only to find half of a $20 bill. Although financial matters can be touchy, especialy among fighting couples going through a divorce, it is imperative you get … Continue reading

Do’s and Don’ts of Single Parenting

Becoming a single parent means learning new things and fast. In addition to reading everything you can, sometimes the best (or hardest) lesson is through good, old-fashioned experience. I know as a divorced mother of two, I had to learn some pretty tough lessons through trial and error. Although I certainly don’t have all the answers, I thought I would share a few of the do’s and don’ts I discovered during my years as a single parent. For starters, you should never place your child in a position of being your peer. Sure, your child can be a friend but … Continue reading

Volunteer Time as a Single Parent

I remember when I was first divorced. It was as if any spare time I had was gone. Between working, taking care of two small children, and trying to run a household, time was something precious and scarce. Eventually, I found a system, a rhythm of what worked best for my kids and me but my system was almost too good. Once I got the system down, I found that much of my time was being spent feeling depressed, lonely, or just downright sorry for myself. Typically, my free time was on the weekends when the kids were with their … Continue reading

Dating Tips for the Single Mom

When first becoming single, you probably want to cringe when you even think about dating. Now, we both know that dating is likely a part of your future, which is good and healthy but you want to be careful, choosing the right type of men to date. Although I have had my own experiences with dating as a single mom, I wanted to do some research to see what other single moms say. The following are a few pieces of advice, which are pretty interesting. -Availability – One single mom stated that she found she was making herself unavailable for … Continue reading

Single Moms – Improving the Financial Picture

Most single moms will agree that the number one challenge has to do with money. Unfortunately, studies still show that while the gap of income between men and women is getting closer, men still make more money than women do for the same job. Going from a two-income family down to one, and being the individual who makes less can be tough. Obviously, some compromises have to be made and at first, you might feel discouraged and even defeated. Remember, just because things start out financially bumpy does not mean they have to remain that way. To boost your financial … Continue reading

Income for Single Moms

For many women going through a divorce or death of a spouse, starting over as a single mom is tough. Although challenges include running the household and supporting the children emotionally, there is always the financial aspect. Considering that some single moms have not been in the workforce for years, this challenge becomes even greater. If you are now a single mom but you have no idea what type of job to look for, I recommend you first consider your skills. Even though you may have been a stay-at-home mom without any skills to offer, the truth is that you … Continue reading

Just How Many Single Parents Are There?

We all know the number of divorces has been on the rise for many years but have you ever wondered just how many single parents there are? I thought it would be interesting to do some digging to gain a better understanding of the number of people sharing our same challenges and rewards. If for no other reason, to know that in good and bad times – we are NOT alone. In 2002, the United Stated Census determined that three out of every ten children being raised in America are living in single parent homes. Unfortunately, the number of single … Continue reading