Pre-Existing Health Condition Insurance Too Expensive For Some

In many states, the Pre-Existing Condition Health Insurance plan is still being rolled out. Some states, however, have had access to this new form on health insurance. How is it working so far? It seems that for some people, this new health insurance plan is helpful. Other people, however, are finding that the cost of this new form of health insurance is much higher than they can afford. The Pre-Existing Condition Health Insurance Plan (PCIP) is one part of the Affordable Care Act. In the next few years, Americans will see some changes in how health insurance works, and how … Continue reading

Healthcare Reform: What Does It Mean For You?

With all the controversy surrounding Obama’s new healthcare bill, you might be wondering how the new laws will affect pregnant women and their care. Several parts of this bill will benefit both mothers and midwives. Currently, maternity coverage is included in most group insurance plans. That is a good thing, but that means that decent maternity coverage is tied to employment. For those who are self-employed or unemployed, or those working for smaller companies that do not provide group insurance policies, acquiring good maternity coverage is a lot more complicated. Most private insurance plans do not include maternity. It must … Continue reading