When Dad-to-Be Is Deployed

There are currently 98,000 troops in Iraq as of February 28th. How many of those soldiers are expectant dads? How many women in the US are pregnant right now, while the daddy-to-be is across the world, missing every milestone and likely to miss the baby’s birth as well? I’m guessing the figure is pretty large. Pregnancy and childbirth, not to mention raising a newborn, is difficult enough when both parents are present. Adding the pain of missing a loved one and going through all of these events on your own makes it that much harder. In past wars, couples had … Continue reading

Resources For Military Wives

Before I proceed with my post I would like to acknowledge the sacrifices of nine American troops who died on Monday, April 3. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. Today I went Internet hunting for resources for military wives. We’re a tough bunch; we support our husbands, run a household and raise our children…many times as a single parent while our husbands are deployed. Yet, even the strongest of us needs to reach out once in a while. This can be difficult for some wives who might worry that others will think they are weak or “don’t have … Continue reading