Exploring All Your Options

Whether you are looking for new job or have been in the same career for twenty years, it is still important to explore your options. Start with some self-assessment: * Make a list of your interests and values. Compare these to your current situation. * Then make a list of your most important skills. Prioritize them in an order where the ones you most enjoy using are at the top. * Make a list of skills you want to learn or training that interests you. * Write down all your past and present jobs. Under each one, identify what you … Continue reading

How to Get Experience

When first starting out in a new career, there is a common dilemma. You need experience in order to get the job… however, you can’t get that experience until you actually have the job. What do you do? The answer is to find ways to gain the experience you need through alternative avenues. Some ideas are: 1. Volunteer — Even if you have to work full-time and volunteer a couple hours a week, this is a valuable way to gain experience. A willingness to volunteer your time toward learning a job also shows a future employer your commitment. 2. Non-profit … Continue reading

More Career Switching in the Later Years

Let’s say you thought it through and decided the risks of a career change later in life are worth the benefits. You are willing to sacrifice, as your job is a major part of who you are and what you do. If you aren’t happy as you grow older, you don’t have many years left. Once you get too close to retirement, changing jobs is often almost impossible. Therefore, if the time is now and you want to make it happen, then go for it! Easier said than done, right? Often people don’t bother changing careers as they grow older … Continue reading

Should You Continue at One Job While Searching for Another?

A common dilemma is whether to search for a new job while still working at the old, or to quit completely before you start to look. This can be a tricky problem, as both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. Overall, there isn’t necessarily one way that is the best. It is more about determining how each option affects your individual situation. Let’s discuss some of the pros and cons of each. Keep working: Pros: 1. You can maintain a steady source of income. 2. You don’t have to explain why you aren’t working. Cons: 1. Trying to find the … Continue reading

Personality Traits You Must Have to Work From Home

I originally mentioned I was going to write this blog last month in this blog but I got sidetracked and never actually covered the topic. This is in direct violation of my third principle (see below) “You Must Be Organized.” Just remember: Do as I say, not as I do. 😉 Here is that list of personality traits you must have to work from home, in no particular order: You Have to be a Go-Getter. You cannot just sit back and expect people to come running to you with jobs. You have to put a resume together. You have to … Continue reading