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The Same Seed But Various Responses

People respond to God’s Word in different ways. In Mark 4:1-20 Jesus tells a parable that highlights those differences. Take stock and decide which one of the following is most like you.

1. The people listening heard the words but despite Jesus’ admonition to listen, they did not listen to what he was saying. It was a case of hearing the words but the meaning went over their heads, verse 3. The words had no effect on their lives.
Are you one who lets God’s words go over your head? Or do you take notice and really listen to what God is saying to you? Do you allow His words to take effect in your life?

2. The farmer did not only scatter seed on the good soil but some fell also on paths and rocky places as well, verses 4 and 5.
Do we scatter the seed of the gospel only where we think it might take root or do we scatter it wherever we go? verse 14. It is not up to us to decide who might or might not respond to the gospel. We are simply called to give the message out. The Holy Spirit is the one who will bring the seed to fruition in a person’s life.

3. Some seed had no roots and withered when the harsh sun came out, verses 6 and 15.
Does this happen to us that as soon as we hear or read God’s Word, Satan takes it away so it has no effect in our lives?

4. Some of the soil which fell on rocky ground seemed as if it was growing for a while, but because it had no root the plants lasted only short time, verse 17.
I’m sure we all have heard of or know people who appeared to start of enthusiastically in the Christian life and then, suddenly when trouble comes, fall by the wayside. When adversity comes does it draw us closer to the Lord or does our faith, shrivel and die because our faith has no root?

5. Other seed grew up readily enough but then became choked, so it did not bear any grain, verses 7, 18 and 19.
Are you trying to follow God but the pressures and concerns of this world crowd Him out? Is your faith enough to produce a crop and bring forth fruit? Or is it easily withered or choked by the concerns of this world.

6. The seed that fell on good soil brought forth crops of varying degrees, verses 8 and 20.
Are our lives showing that the words have fallen on good soil by producing a crop? Are you seeing the evidence of God’s words in your life, in that you are growing as a Christian and producing a crop that will last to eternity? Is our faith in God and His Word, clearly seen in the fruit or crop that it produces? How extensive is that crop?

7. Even the disciples didn’t always understand at first what Jesus was telling them. But they went to Him and asked Him to explain, verse 10.
We may not always understand at first what God’s word is saying to us. But, if we come with an open heart and a teachable spirit He will open His Word to us and reveal to us new truths that will change the way we think and live. Will you allow Him today to reveal more of His Word to you?

All bible references from the New International Version

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