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What Would You Do …

bar Do you remember that old ad campaign, “What would you do for a Klondike bar?” The commercials showed people demonstrating what strange lengths they would go to in order to get a chocolate-covered ice cream treat. The jingle was catchy, but to be honest, I didn’t think the bar itself was all that superior.

But the song got me thinking. What would we do to attain the things we want most in our lives? I think it’s safe to say that we all want happy, healthy children, a safe environment for them, the ability to feed and clothe them, and a way to help them progress mentally, spiritually, and educationally. We all desire to send our children into the world with a strong foundation. These are definitely worthy goals. What are we willing to do to achieve them?

I’m in a constant state of rollercoaster. Some days, I’m super on-target and I power through everything that needs to be done. Other days, getting out of bed seems like a major accomplishment, and anything on top of that is just awesome. I’m sure we all go through this, and we all do the best we can. But when I stopped to think about my ultimate goals for my family, and then asked myself, “What would I do to give my children those things?” I knew I had what it takes to make it work.

Every goal comes with a price to pay. You can’t be an Olympic champion without hours, days, years of training. You can’t get a degree without countless hours of study. You can’t learn how to oil paint without a ton of practice. And you can’t create a successful family unit without some self-sacrifice, dedication, and focus.

So when you ask yourself, “What would I do to make my family the best it can be?” I hope your answer, and my answer, is, “Whatever it takes.”

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