Oh Baby!

Baby scrapbooks don’t have to cost an arm and a leg to make.  While, there are dozens of budget-busting elements you can add to your memory book, frugal crafters have affordable options as well. For starters, the Internet is teeming with free items you can print in the comfort of your own home.  Scrapbooking websites are filled with an array of free baby book printables, including, but not limited to worksheets, special occasion pages, growth records, decorative paper, quotes and poems. Printable worksheets allow you to document your child’s milestones in an organized manner.  For example, rather than randomly jot … Continue reading

Document the Day

It’s a snow day around here.  And by snow day I mean, schools are closed, highways are blocked, and I am praying that the electricity stays on so that I can post this without incident. Snow and cold are nothing new in northern Wisconsin, especially in January.  However, when we get hit with a storm as massive as this one, even I venture out to document the aftermath.  Then, I do what any self-respecting scrapbook fanatic does; create a layout employing as many techniques as possible. You don’t need to wait for a major milestone to craft an eye-popping page … Continue reading

Super Inspiration

Don’t let Sunday’s Super Bowl match-up between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers kick-off in vain. Even if your favorite team didn’t make it to the NFL championship game, you can still party with other football fans.  The festivities can then be documented in a simple scrapbook layout featuring football-themed elements. Start with affordable embellishments, such as stickers, stamps and die cuts in the shape of footballs, goal posts, helmets, jerseys, cleats, banners, mascots, flags, cheerleading megaphones, foam fingers and pennants. Next, spice up your page title with a play on words.  Some examples include:  “Having a Ball,” … Continue reading

Super Bowl Scrapping

Are you ready for some football? Even if you are not into watching grown men pummel each other in order to get their hands on a precious piece of pigskin, the Super Bowl is likely one football game you tune into.  Whether you watch it for the commercials, the halftime show, or you are truly interested in the game’s outcome, the iconic sporting event can be scrapbook worthy. The NFL championship game attracts millions of viewers each year and is the cause for many parties from coast-to-coast.  If you are planning to gather with friends and family to celebrate Super … Continue reading

Winter Inspiration

Old Man Winter is relentless.  As if the bitter cold weren’t enough, now we’re dealing with a wicked ice storm that’s threatening to bring our city to a standstill. Of course, as I sit here and complain about our latest round of putrid weather, there are likely some people loving every minute of it.  I suppose the ice is pretty to look at as the moonlight glistens off of its surface… provided that surface doesn’t belong to the power lines that help keep the lights on in my home. Believe it or not, I am not a winter hater.  I … Continue reading

Easy Borders

How much thought do you put into crafting scrapbook borders? Often, great consideration is given to the types of photos featured on a layout, as well as major elements, such as frames, journaling blocks and titles.  However, when it comes to creating eye-popping page borders, many scrapbookers throw something together at the last minute or leave them out all together. Adding an interesting border to your layout doesn’t have to take a ton of time, money or effort.  You can easily customize a border with materials you already have in your scrapbooking supply stash.  For example, leftover stickers can be … Continue reading

Spring Into Spring

Spring can spring any time now, as far as I am concerned. Like millions of other Americans enduring the most recent Arctic blast, I’m over winter. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do to control the weather.  However, rather than wallow in despair, I’m channeling my inner sun goddess and working on spring-themed scrapbooks. If you are looking for ways to keep warm this winter, spring ahead a bit and take advantage of sales on spring scrapbooking kits.  The seasonal collections typically hit the shelves in mid-January and feature colorful paper, plus a slew of coordinating embellishments, such as stickers, … Continue reading

DIY Die Cuts

Stroll through your local scrapbooking supply shop and you may die from the cuteness featured on all of the elaborate die cuts available. I am a huge fan of die cuts.  In fact, the adorable embellishments are one of the reasons I got into scrapbooking more than a decade ago.  I love the intricately decorated shapes and the fact that they can be used to spice up more than just a corner of a memory book page.  Die cuts can be displayed on frames, in journaling blocks or strategically placed in page titles. The problem with die cuts is the … Continue reading

Setting Scrapbooking Goals

Just because January is coming to a close doesn’t mean time has run out on making New Year’s scrapbooking resolutions. Now that the hectic holiday period is over, you likely have more time to evaluate your scrapbooking style and consider incorporating new techniques into designs.  For those of you who haven’t completed your holiday scrapbooks, you could try new trends to pep up your pages.  For example, if you have photos of your family and friends partying it up at a New Year’s Eve celebration; consider choosing a colorful background using non-traditional materials, such as mylar rather than plain cardstock.  … Continue reading

Starting New

If you have been taking a break from scrapbooking your life’s adventures, now is the perfect time to get back into the swing of things. The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to dive back into memory book-making, as the fresh start can provide great inspiration for interesting page designs.  What’s more, if you wait until the very end of the month you can often score deals on New Year’s-related scrapbooking materials, such as clock and hourglass-shaped stickers and die cuts. As you prepare to renew your commitment to scrapbooking, consider starting with a simple New Year’s … Continue reading