Setting Nintendo Wii Parental Controls

Take advantage of the parental controls settings on your Nintendo Wii and keep your kids safe from inappropriate video game content and themes. I just had a recent discussion with some moms about setting limits on which video games are allowed for their families. One of the issues that came up was the fact that many parents just don’t have the time or the knowledge to screen the video games that their children play. Setting up the parental controls in your video game system is one way to help you control the content. While the Nintendo Wii has many family-friendly … Continue reading

The Search for the Perfect Family-Friendly Ski Resort

This is a continuation of a blog I wrote regarding what to look for in an ideal ski resort for families with young children. In the past I’ve run into problems finding kid-friendly ski resorts that actually deliver the family-oriented enticements promised in their ads. As such I’ve learned it’s better to contact individual properties prior to making a reservation. In my last blog I detailed topics that should be addressed with resort specialists including safety, childcare facilities and pricing. The following are a few other points to consider before you decide on the perfect winter destination for your family. … Continue reading


Have you ever found yourself quoting from a Monopoly game? “That was your get out of jail free card.” “Don’t pass go…” When was the last time you played, at the age of ten? Monopoly is a classic game and it teaches us all some valuable lessons in a fun and entertaining format. To be honest, I forgot all the opportunities that Monopoly presents until just recently. My mother-in-law bought the game as a present for my children and it became an instant family hit. After playing it a few times, I was shocked how quickly my kids learned some … Continue reading

Sleeping With The Snakes

What world famous attraction is home to more than 4,000 animals, 700,000 exotic plants and attracts more than a million visitors each year? If you answered: the San Diego Zoo, you’re right. The zoo is spread out over 100-acres, but the nice part is you that can get around without much walking at all. For a small fee, buses will take you from exhibit to exhibit or you can opt to hop aboard the Skyfari ride, which provides a full aerial view of the property. Despite the various modes of transportation, the zoo is so enormous it is next to … Continue reading

Rivers, Roads, and Rails – Game Review

We’ve been doing a lot of cleaning out of old toys and games. Some toys I can give away without hesitation. Others make me sad for the days when the toy was a favorite. And some, I’m keeping. Rivers, Roads, and Rails by Ravensburger is one I can’t bring myself to toss. Although our boys have moved on to much more complicated games, something about this one still charms me. And I’m sure we continue to break it out on sick or snow days. Rivers, Roads, and Rails sells for under twenty dollars and is recommended for ages five and … Continue reading

Frugal Fun: Make A Mancala Game

Need a new board game for family fun? Why not make one right now? Have you ever heard of the game Mancala? It is one of those games that is fine to play at almost any age. The game is very simple to learn, yet it can be played with a lot of subtle strategy, depending on the skill level of the players. This game requires no reading, so younger players can get involved. It does require some simple counting, though, so a parent or older sibling may need to help the very youngest players. Because of the county aspect, … Continue reading

Tips for Children’s Websites

As we see more and more websites being developed specifically for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, parents have a greater responsibility of looking into each site to ensure they are safe and age-appropriate. The good news is that the majority of online websites geared toward children are extremely beneficial, teaching a child everything from counting to coloring to dancing to singing. Through online games, children can learn, thus getting a head start when it comes time to start school. As you can imagine, children’s websites are quite controversial. On one hand, you have individuals who strongly believe that children should be … Continue reading

Week In Review Single Parenting

Single parenting is full of challenges. Time management seems to be one of the greatest challenges that single parents face. Work takes up most of your day and you are expected to come home, do the cleaning, make dinner and try to get some quality time in with the kids. When do you have the time to do all that needs to be done? Trying to attain balance in your life is difficult. At the end of the day when all is said and done most of us go to bed hoping we gave our kids the love and attention … Continue reading

Family New Year’s Eve Party

Instead of venturing out on “amateur night” to take in the sights and the sounds of New Year’s Eve festivities, you might just want to spend the evening at home as a family. There are various televised activities that you and your kids can enjoy together, and you can certainly create your own fun. Have a little party, complete with hors d’oeuvres and some bubbly beverages like ginger ale, sparkling cider, or sparkling grape juice for toasting. Pick up some New Year’s Eve party favors, hats, noisemakers, and decorations, or create your own. If you feel your children can handle … Continue reading

Christmas or Holiday Mailbox

If you have an oatmeal canister, you can make a great Christmas or holiday mailbox. A grown up will need to remove the label and then cut one side off. That side will become the bottom. Glue it to a piece of heavy cardboard. If you do not have an oatmeal canister, you can bend a piece of cardboard to the appropriate shape, but you will need something to hold it in place until the glue dries, when attaching the bottom. Paint the canister or cover it will your choice of materials. You can decoupage with tissue paper or holiday … Continue reading