Are You Living Within Your Income?

One of the most important questions to ask yourself when thinking about money is “Are you living within your income?” It is a simple question. The answer can predict your feelings about money, and the future that you will have. Generally if you are living within you income, you know where your money is being spent. You may or may not have a strict budget, but once you have spent a certain amount of money each month you stop. You may not have the constant worry of how you will meet your obligations. By choosing to live within your income, … Continue reading

Living Within Your Means

I recently saw part of a skit on Saturday Night Live titled “Don’t Buy Things You Can’t Afford” with Steve Martin where a married couple were absolutely perplexed about the idea of saving for a purchase rather than making a purchase with a credit card. Another actor kept stating over and over in an infomercial type voice “Don’t buy things you can’t afford” to which Steve Martin would respond “Oh, so buy it on my credit card now so I can have it?” It was a hilarious look into American society’s buying habits. One of my goals this year is … Continue reading

Wyoming’s Medicaid Program is Called Equality Care

Wyoming, like all other states, has a Medicaid program. Some states simply refer to the program as Medicaid, and others attached a unique name to it. In Wyoming, the Medicaid program is called EqualityCare. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to help people who are low-income, and who cannot afford to purchase a private health insurance plan, to find affordable health insurance coverage. In Wyoming, the Medicaid program is also called EqualityCare. It is administered through the Wyoming Department of Health. Their website says “Welcome to Medicaid”. Under that header, it says: … Continue reading

Bouncing Back from Bad Credit

A bad credit rating can have multiple aspects of your life if you are not careful. While most people are well aware that a bad credit score can make it impossible to secure a loan, there is also a litany of other negatives associated with a dismal credit report. For example, even if you are able to secure a loan from a financial institution, if you have bad credit, you will likely be forced to pay a much higher interest rate. In some cases you may also be hit with fees because lenders consider you a risk. In addition to … Continue reading

Applying for Energy Assistance

There are many programs out there that can help you if you need energy assistance. Some of these programs are state or local government funded, some are privately funded, and some are funded by energy companies. If you need energy assistance this winter, you’ll want to apply to one or several of these programs, depending on where you live and what your situation happens to be. Many other families may also be applying. In order to up your chances of being selected for energy assistance, you will need to be prepared with the information that will need to go on … Continue reading

September 11, 2001

My heart is full as we reflect on the events that happened within our country ten years ago. So many lives were forever changed as a result of that tragic day. Families who lost loved ones were left behind to pick up the pieces. It must have been a hopeless feeling as they watched everything unfurl knowing there was nothing they could do. As a country we watched, hearts breaking for the people so tragically affected. In a moment hundreds if not thousands of men and women were thrust into single parenthood with no warning. Not only are they facing … Continue reading

How Soon Is Too Soon?

How soon is too soon to go back to work after a baby? How much is financial necessity and how much is self gratification or boredom or something else. A mother of a toddler recently told me how her child pleaded with her to take a day off and stay home and her answer was that she had to go to work or he wouldn’t eat. But is that always the case? A young woman I know is expecting her first baby and people are asking her how soon the will go back to work. Several of those involved in … Continue reading

Saving Up for Hospital Expenses

Having a baby in a hospital is an expensive endeavor. You’ll spend more putting your baby up in the nursery than you would booking her a stay in a river view suite at the Trump International in Chicago. Checking into triage to see if you are in real labor can set you back over $500. If you are one of the lucky few who have full medical coverage, you won’t think twice about requesting extra supplies or asking for an epidural. For the rest of us, our best bet is to try and anticipate any out-of-pocket costs and save up … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Getting Married Later

Yesterday we looked at the problems that are encountered with young marriages. Today we will look at older marriages. There can be many pluses in getting married later but are there any pitfalls in later marriages? Advantages The couple getting married has had time to establish their careers first or to travel. Presumably if they have been working longer and moving up in their careers, this will also mean they will have more of a bank balance behind them, though this is not always the case. Some people earn a good income but spend it as fast as they earn … Continue reading

New Incentive to Get Parents to Walk Kids to School

What would it take for you to carve time out of your hectic schedule to walk your children to school? Granted, if you live 10 miles from your child’s kindergarten class, walking is simply not feasible. However, there are millions of families around the world who live within walking distance of schools yet they still opt to bypass this money-saving, environmentally practical option. That might soon change in places like England where the government is providing incentives to parents to spend more time with their children by walking them to school. According to news reports, walking children to school could … Continue reading