Raising Our Children in the World

One of the most difficult things that we must do as parents is to allow our kids to go out into the world. It is important that we prepare them for this. They need to learn the gospel and the values that it teaches. They need to have the courage to stand up for the gospel. They also need to gain a testimony of the gospel to carry them through the difficult times in their lives. We are truly in a time where the world is calling evil good and good evil. Many people do not think twice about things … Continue reading

Bedtimes That Make Sense

Many of you know that I’m personally of the persuasion that co-sleeping makes for the best sleep for mom. But it doesn’t work for everyone and there are a certain set of expectations that you have to accept in order for it to work. (Being okay with an older baby in the bed being one of them.) But there are other ways to get your babies to bed relatively easily. I have said this many times, but I really believe that different babies’ sleeping patterns are a reflection of their personality. This has been true for my children and many … Continue reading

The Importance of a Parent

The family is an essential organization in the church. The role of parent is a vital role. When you are a parent you are responsible to teach and guide your children so that they can learn the truth. Then they can choose to take the path to Heavenly Father. It is important that you take the time each day to teach your children the gospel. Often you are teaching your children without realizing it through your actions. Here are five things to think about when interacting with your children. 1) Your children will learn from your actions. If you take … Continue reading

Strengthening the Less Active

One of the things that has impressed me in my new branch – not for the positive – was the enormous number of inactive sisters. The Relief Society secretary gave me a list of both active and inactive RS members, and I counted the two groups. We have approximately 25 sisters attending their meetings and participating in activities, and 50 sisters who we almost never see. As the new second counselor in our Relief Society presidency, I have a stronger responsibility to help these sisters return to their blessings. However, to some extent, every sister has an obligation to help … Continue reading

Please Understand

Another topic that popped up in a different conversation I was having a few days ago was the melding of two lives in the bonds of holy matrimony. Sometimes that isn’t so easy when one person has been raised with one understanding of the patriarchal role and the other raised in another way. Let me begin with the quote of a prophet to set the tone of this blog: President Spencer W. Kimball said this: “When we speak of marriage as a partnership, let us speak of marriage as a full partnership. We do not want our LDS women to … Continue reading