Do You Buy Food Delivered by Mail?

I do. Not everyday groceries, mind you. Most of what I order is stuff I can’t find in my favorite grocery stores. Take this acai (pronounced a-sigh-ee) stuff I ordered the other day from Acai Roots. Getting an Acai Fix I read an article about the benefits of acai berries, which come from Brazil and are supposed to be among the most nutritious and antioxidant rich foods on the planet. I’ve been buying Bolthouse’s Bom Dia line of acai drinks, but a friend of ours who’s from Brazil turned us on to Acai Roots’ product because it’s supposedly an even … Continue reading

Ask a Homeschooling Blogger: Why Are You So Against Government Involvement Part 2

Note: As I have explained in my previous blog this morning, I have received an e-mail that I think articulates the opinions of many who do not home school and don’t understand why those of us who do might see government intervention as a bad thing. I generally ignore these letters because they are often riddled with poor language and have clearly not been thought out. For the original question in part, please see the first blog. This is a continuation of my response. Those Who “Claim to Homeschool” Every so often, we hear of a news story about a … Continue reading

Serving in the Relief Society: Visiting Teaching Coordinator and Supervisor

When you think of Relief Society and callings you may jump quickly to thinking of serving in the Relief Society presidency, but you would be missing several important callings. These callings may seem small on the surface, but actually do play an important role in helping the Relief Society presidency to complete their tasks. Two of these callings are visiting teaching coordinator and visiting teaching supervisor. The visiting teaching coordinator is responsible for overseeing the supervisor. She usually sits down with the Relief Society to assign routes. This can be tricky when you think of matching people who want a … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Feb 5-11

What were the top tips and scorching scoops last week? You’ve come to the right place to get the Pets Blog breakdown of the stories Aimee and I covered. Monday, February 5 The Colts might have won Super Bowl XLI, but Puppy Bowl III was the hot topic around our water cooler Monday morning. In fact, puppies dominated the day because Aimee had a big experience last weekend: her first volunteer animal transport! Read about it in The Open Road and a Carload of Puppies. Tuesday, February 6 We met RITA Award-Winning Author Linnea Sinclair and Her Cover Model Cat … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten – Ways to Break the News

I distinctly remember the ancient Full House episode in which Aunt Becky attempts to announce her pregnancy to Uncle Jesse during a family game of Pictionary. First she drew a wheel of cheese, then I think she mocked cutting it in half, then came a bottle of ink, and of course a picture of a baby. Cheese. Half. Ink. A baby? Sheeeeshalvingababy? She’s having a baby! And the Tanner family erupted with congratulatory whelping. There’s more than one way to break the news of your pregnancy to family, friends and significant others, so why not make it really fun – … Continue reading

The Frugal Blog Week in Review: Jan. 27 to Feb. 2

Hello there! It is a quiet Saturday evening on the day before the Superbowl. my husband is getting the last kid to bed, I’m listening to my new Nora Jones music, and I am seriously thinking of taking a nice hot bath. Before that, though, I wanted to bring you the week in review for the Frugal Living Blog. I know you read every blog faithfully, so I’ll just assume you want to reread them all again. Saturday, January 27 Save on Paper: Take Advantage of Junk Mail In an earlier blog, Save on Paper: The Three Best Ways, I … Continue reading

12 Free Cookbooks by Mail!

As winter sets in and is filled with days indoors, I love to make my home warm and inviting with the yummy smells of cooking. Cooking at home is a very frugal thing to do, especially when it is done with ingredients you already have on hand. For example, I had a very large stockpile of condensed milk that I needed to rotate. I was tired of of the same old recipes and was racking my brain for something new. Thanks to one of these cookbooks, though, I made up some pound cake that was just right. I would have … Continue reading

Sales at Toys R Us, Target, Barnes & Noble, and More!

Every day, there are tons of sales, deals, and special offers from so many stores and websites. It can become difficult to keep track of them all, or to sort out only the ones you are interested in. This blog will help! It has several random sales that are going on right now. There are sales at Toys R Us, Target, Barnes & Noble, and more! Toys R Us is having a two-day “Super Cyber Sale”. It takes place today, Monday, April 8, 2013, through Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Save up to 35% off thousands of toys. Some brands include … Continue reading

Do NOT Reply All

Dear parents of school-age children, It’s not necessary to “reply all” to every single email sent from your child’s teacher… especially if your kid is in the same class as ours. Sincerely, Parents for the Prevention of Reply All Abuse Look, I’m all for open communication, especially when it involves parents and educators, and despite my glaring absence on Facebook, I really do appreciate the advantages associated with digital messaging.  However, when it comes to emails and the “reply all” function, I’m a real hater. I’m not a huge fan of checking emails to begin with, so when I see … Continue reading

Sales at Barnes & Noble, Bath and Body Works, Sears, and More!

Going shopping this weekend? Here is a quick roundup of sales and deals that are going on this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Read over this blog before you head out the door, and you could end up saving some money! Barnes & Noble is doing a special deal that lasts for four days, only. Get a free $20.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card when you buy Nook HD or HD+ with your MasterCard card. Here’s how this deal works: Go to an actual Barnes & Noble store to make your purchase of the Nook HD or Nook HD+. At the … Continue reading