Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy

Carpal tunnel syndrome is named for a tunnel like structure that runs through the bones of the wrists. A nerve also runs through that tunnel. When this median nerve becomes compressed, carpal tunnel syndrome is the result. This syndrome is common in people who work in computer related fields, such as programming or data processing. It also tends to be more common in pregnant women. The excess fluid and increase in swelling may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Fluid and swelling increase the pressure in the carpal tunnel. This increases the pressure and causes the median nerve to become compressed. … Continue reading

Snoring in Pregnancy

Many women find they snore during pregnancy. Snoring is the result of obstructed airways, which make normal breathing difficult during sleep. Snoring can vary from a light snore to loud noise that disrupts the sleep of the pregnant woman and her partner. Nasal congestion, which is common in pregnancy, can contribute to the problem. For most people, snoring is merely an annoying problem for the partner and the woman if her sleep is disrupted. In some cases, the problem may be sleep apnea and may require treatment. A few studies suggest that snoring may not always be benign. A 2000 … Continue reading

Fifth Disease and Pregnancy

Fifth disease is cased by parvovirus B19. People often confuse this with the parvovirus that infects dogs and cats. It is not the same parvovirus as your pet can catch. You have nothing to fear even if you have a pet that has been infected with parvovirus. The form found in animals can’t be transmitted to people. Children are most often affected by fifth disease. The symptoms include a rash on the face, trunk and limbs. The rash has the look of lace. The rash on the cheeks gives the disease the nickname “slapped cheek” virus. The rash may itch, … Continue reading

The Benefits of Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that many people find helpful for a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture has specific benefits during pregnancy as well. Practitioners believe that pain and illness are the result of an imbalance of energy known as qi or chi. In the first trimester, complaints such as morning sickness, fatigue and headaches are common. If the physical symptoms weren’t enough, the expectant mother also has to deal with emotional changes and mood swings. Acupuncture has benefits for all these early pregnancy discomforts. The procedure increases the feeling of well being while relieving the physical discomforts. … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Safe Herb Usage in Pregnancy

Many women use herbs during pregnancy in a supplemental way, as well as to prevent mild complications such as edema (swelling due to fluid retention). It is important to understand that the quality of your herbs depends on two things: Freshness and Source. The source of your herbs should be reliable, which involves doing research not only on the herb itself, but the manufacturer as well. Freshness is obvious: the fresher the herb, the better the quality. Which is why growing your own herbs is always the freshest option (and then you will also know the source). Here I would … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Dads and Pregnancy

For most women, switching into mommy-mode seems like an overnight process. One day, you’re body is yours to do with what you will, and the next day it’s house and home to another being. You feel the snap intensely: You’re part of an intimate duo now. Everything you do has certain implications on the growing baby inside you, and you bring this baby with you wherever you go. Now imagine that you are equally excited, concerned, confused and anxious about the great change that is taking place in your life, except that you aren’t carrying this baby. Imagine instead that … Continue reading

Fun Things About Being Pregnant

Being pregnant can actually be a lot of fun, if you think about it. Here are some of the things that make pregnancy a fun and enjoyable time. Feel free to read over this list on those days when you are sick of feeling sick, tired of feeling tired, and just plain aggravated at the world and at the amount of swelling in your ankles. One very fun and exciting thing is that you get to choose a name for your baby. There are endless possibilities, and it can be a lot of fun to look for ideas and play … Continue reading

After the Birth

Once our daughter was born, I enjoyed several blissful minutes bonding with her and encouraging her to clear her lungs. Soon it was time to deliver the placenta. The umbilical cord was clamped and cut and the baby went to the nurse. I stepped out of the pool and delivered the placenta (it was easy and painless) into a stainless steel tub. My midwife checked it over to make sure it was intact, and after collecting a sample of cord blood, she put it in a plastic storage bag for the placenta encapsulation specialist (who came and processed my placenta … Continue reading

Our Twelve Prenatal Visit

An entire week has come and gone once again. With each weekly visit, the birth of our daughter draws nearer and nearer. Not a lot has changed since my last prenatal visit so it is really just a matter of making sure that I am staying on track. The biggest difference this week is that a nasty cold virus has finally gotten the better of me after keeping the viruses at bay for what seems like months. Thus going into this prenatal visit, I feel kind of gross; just stuffy and congested. I had e-mailed my midwife early this week … Continue reading

Our Eleventh Prenatal Visit

These weekly visit come and go in the blink of an eye. It is astounding how quickly time seems to be going now that I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. Our last prenatal visit began with an ultrasound to check the position of the baby and the fluid levels and ended with our midwife coming to our house to get a feel for the flow of the space. Before we head off to our visit with the midwife, I wake up early to get in a workout before we leave knowing that the day is going to be … Continue reading