Dealing With White Water Stains

I’ll never forget the time when my oldest brother refused to use a coaster my mom gave him to set under his glass of iced tea, and his stubbornness resulted in three glaring white water stains on my parents’ wood end table. He was 14 at the time and the scene was far from pretty… and I’m not referring to the water stains. Homeowners with wood furniture are familiar with the trepidation that sets in during parties where dozens of people are milling around with wet glasses and no coasters. The fear of white water stains is palpable. Fortunately, there … Continue reading

Holey Donuts: Too Good to be True

Holey Donuts is known for making low fat delicious donuts. The company has been featured in People Magazine, Everyday with Rachael Ray, The Diet Detectives, amongst others for their amazing donuts. These little donuts from Heaven contain no artificial sweeteners, no trans-fat and over 1/2 the amount of fat and calories than regular donuts. I was intrigued by the idea of a low fat donut but I didn’t have high hopes. I expected an artificial disappointing substitute for the real thing. The type of diet food you tolerate because it’s the closest thing to what you are craving. Even so, … Continue reading

Water Gets a Face Lift with Hint

I love to drink water. Nothing is more refreshing than a cold glass of water. However, my kids are not huge water fans. I allow juice and milk at meal times and water throughout the day. Many times I don’t even buy juice due to the amount of sugar it contains. Whole fruit is far better for a child than a glass of juice. Yet, my kids are always jazzing up their water either with a squeeze of lemon or lime. I understand how boring water can become. However, the options out there normally contain too many calories or sugar. … Continue reading

Healthy Dose of Watermelon

My family loves watermelon. Every year we buy a ton of them and quickly eat all of it. My two year old is especially fond of them. She can make a dinner out of just watermelon if I’d let her. Most kids are the same way and devour this beautiful fruit. I never gave the unassuming watermelon too much thought as a health food. I assumed it was a nice way to hydrate as it consists mostly of water as the name suggests. However, this lovely pink fruit has more to it than simple water. Watermelon contains is hydrating. Watermelon … Continue reading

The Importance of Water When Dieting

Our bodies are made up of 50-70 percent water. Water is essential to life and good health. Drinking too much water is nearly impossible as our bodies will adjust with urination output. However, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration. When we do not drink enough water our kidneys do not function properly. Since we do not store water in our bodies, it is vital that we consume the proper amount daily for good health. While we can survive for a week with no food, it only takes days to experience harmful and deadly effects of dehydration. Water helps … Continue reading

Cutting Water Costs Without Cutting Hygiene

Right now I have three teenager daughters living at home. Anyone who has at least one teen girl knows what this means. For moms and dads still changing diapers or holding their daughter upright while she learns to rider a two-wheeler, enjoy these simpler times. What having a teenager girl — or two, or three — around the house means is that parents never get more than ten seconds of peace and quiet, clothes are strewn about like the local Forever 21 just exploded, you worry about boyfriends and underage drinking, and the water bill costs as much as the … Continue reading

Tips for Curbing Your Sweet Tooth

You may crave sweets during pregnancy, but eating too much sugar will increase your chances of having a big baby and subsequent complications during labor. Everything you eat, your baby eats, too, so eating a balanced and healthy diet is important. That being said, no one expects you to cut out sweets altogether. Here are some tips for curbing that sweet tooth. 1. Go for a quick walk. Taking a fifteen minute walk has been proven to reduce cravings, according to a study published in the journal Appetite. So if you’ve already met your dessert quota for a day, hit … Continue reading

Too Much Lipase

My daughter rarely takes a bottle. My fulltime job is staying home and taking care of her, so there isn’t any need for her to get nourishment from any place other than me. Every once in awhile, however, I get curious about how she’d handle taking breast milk from a bottle. For about a month, I was pumping and storing milk in case of an emergency. I figured if something happened to me and I’d be unable to breastfeed her, it would be nice for her to have a little comfort from breast milk while she was slowly weaned off … Continue reading

How Much Water Should Your Preschooler Drink?

Preschoolers love to run around in circles…and rectangles, triangles, and anywhere else. They expend so much energy over the course of a day that they can wear their parents out. All of this energy expenditure needs food as fuel, but preschoolers also need water to function. Water is actually more important to your body than food – the majority of the body is made up of water. If your child is running around a lot, she might not sweat like an adult, but you can bet that she will need water. Water is needed so that your body can expel … Continue reading

Waterpik Ecoflow Showerhead

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I like to advocate changing out your standard shower head for a low flow version. The problem is, that it isn’t always easy finding a model that works well and is attractive. The “works well” issue is especially important for me. We live in an older home where the water pressure can sometimes be iffy and maintaining a consistent hot water temperature at the furnace level is sometimes difficult. Still, shortly after we moved in, we installed a low flow shower head right away and lived with it … Continue reading