Cool Gadgets for the Road

Traveling today has never been easier. With new gadgets that can do just about everything, you will find long road trips are more adventurous, quieter, happier, and all-around better. To give you an idea of some of the cool gadgets now on the market, I have done some research for you. For starters, have you ever been in a plane, desperately trying to finish a report for an important meeting only to have a talker next to you or a crying baby that is sitting directly in front of you? Unfortunately, this happens but with the NoiseBuster headphones, you can … Continue reading

Emergency Kits Should Cover Five Days Instead of Three

Emergency kits are essential items to have on hand for you family. In the past emergency kits have been recommended to cover 72-hours. This recommendation is beginning to be changed to having five days of food and water on hand as opposed to the three-day supply previously recommended. I believe the reason for this is that in a widespread disaster such as Hurricane Katrina that the emergency workers may take longer than the three days to reach you. It would be wise to begin expanding your emergency kit to supply water and basic food needs to five days. The matter … Continue reading

Purchasing A Home Air Purifier–Part 2

In “Purchasing A Home Air Purifier—Part 1,” I went over some of the reasons why a home air cleaner is a good investment. In Part Two we tackle the question: “How can you tell if the air purifier you are buying is going to work or do the job it is intended to do?” To answer that question we need to review the different filtration methods each system uses. Long ago the standard of effectiveness for eliminating dust particles was set by the HEPA system, which eliminates particles that average .3 micron in size. This is the particle size most … Continue reading