Family Home Evening For a New Arrival

Last night, we had a family home evening for the kiddos. My husband and I take turns because our kids are so little that they can’t really prepare a lesson yet. It was a simple one, but it was pertinent to our lives right now. When preparing a family home evening for kids that are so little, it is challenging. My son, who is 2 1/2 has a very short attention span these days. If it’s not making noise, a super hero, or flashing bright lights, he’s not interested. But, last night I was able to captivate them for a … Continue reading

My First Oncology Appointment

So my oncologist just told me that he could treat me this time BUT when it came back he could not. I am sitting there in a small room with my husband and the doctor and the room feels like it is getting smaller. Did this doctor just tell me that basically a recurrence was a given and it would kill me? I was only 35 years old my youngest child just turned 3 and my oldest was just 6. Was this some cruel cosmic joke? Did I really do something so bad that this is it? Did I take … Continue reading

Before You Opt for Sleeping Pills

When we talk about having trouble sleeping, there are many things that you can try before turning towards medication. Prescription medication for sleep disorders are not like taking a Tylenol PM. They are highly addictive and can have massive side effects. If you’re having trouble sleeping, play close attention to what you are eating and drinking in the evenings. Avoid snacking two hours before bed, that way your body has your food digested and it’s not just sitting in your stomach. Of course you should avoid caffeinated beverages, such as soda, tea, and coffee. You should try and avoid these … Continue reading

Loving an Angry Man

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with my husband early in our relationship regarding his anger issues. I was trying to ascertain whether or not he understood the impact his volatile temper had on his personal and professional life. When I realized that he didn’t necessarily consider his anger a negative attribute, I asked him, “How do you figure your temper helps you?” His answer was swift and decisive: “People are afraid of me, so they usually do what I want.” He was a little slower in answering my next question: “And how does it hurt you?” Like most … Continue reading

Primary Power

My sweet daughter participated in her first primary program this past week. Lovely. I was so excited. She is such a sweet little girl, and being a Sunbeam is a special time. They are just so excited about everything, and not jaded. You know, like the older 10-year-old girls who are just itching to get to Young Women. But, that is a long way away, so luckily, I can just focus on the present and enjoying her excitement for participating in her first program. But, I was shocked when she was given her part. It was 3 lines!!! Doesn’t that … Continue reading

How to Save Money When You Move

The real estate season usually peaks in the summer, which means that many families are either getting ready to move or have just moved to a new home. There is a lot of expense involved with moving. But with these tips, you can save hundreds of dollars. Moving Supplies and Services Moving can be a big expense; from closing costs or deposits to the price of movers, it starts to add up. We, ourselves, are in the middle of the moving chaos. We’ve found our perfect home and are waiting to sell our current one. Check out: The Frugal Move: … Continue reading

Celebrate the Fourth Disney Style

Sometimes it feels like almost all I’m ever doing around here is talking about things going on at Disney World. But the amusement park just keeps holding so many special events; I’d feel remiss if I didn’t share the news with my fellow Disney enthusiasts, especially those lucky enough to make summer trips to Orlando (or Anaheim). Because we’re heading into the Fourth of July weekend today, I thought I’d share with everyone the details of what Disney World’s doing for its Independence Day celebrations. Disneyland really needs to start posting announcements as frequently on its web site as Disney … Continue reading

Homeschoolers Get Swine Flu Too

This school year began with three girls in my kids’ homeschool program (1 day a week) coming down with swine flu. That was the first week. Since then many of the other kids have come down the the ailments some getting more sick than others. My kids homeschool group visited a college last week for a competition and both of my kids came home sick. I don’t believe they had swine flu because they had no fevers, but the point is, my kids do get around, and they do get sick. With tech week starting it is also common for … Continue reading

Evaluating Quality in Used Items

Not only can you save money by buying used items, but you can often get a better quality product that when you buy something new. There are two reasons for this, and I’ll give you the details below. Buying used items may be hard to do at first because of any misallocations you might have about getting things second hand. So if you need to, start small, with bright items that are easy to clean, or items that are easy to consider used, such as books or DVDs. You’ll soon see that there is plenty of good quality merchandise to … Continue reading

FHE: Focus on Family Time

Family home evening is a time to gather your family together each week. It is about more than teaching your family the gospel. This is an essential and important part of family home evening, but one of the most powerful things that family home evening does is that it draws your family together and makes them stronger. As you spend time together as a family focusing on the gospel and getting to know each other, you build bonds that last. These bonds can carry your children through their most difficult times. If you are having a difficult time holding family … Continue reading