Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Drink an Extra Glass of Water

Well, go on. Do it right now before you forget or can make an excuse. Walk away from the computer, grab a glass (a big one, not your child’s sippy cup), fill it up, and chug it down! Some people like water, some don’t. I happen to be a water drinker; I’m not very fond of sodas and I can’t afford juices all the time. Besides, when I really think about it I’m drinking because I’m thirsty or because I want a specific taste of something. If I’m drinking something for the flavor that’s fine. If I’m drinking because I’m … Continue reading

More Time-Saving Cleanup Tips

Whether you believe in daylight saving’s time or not, all of us on planet Earth have to deal with the passage of time as it ticks and steals away. This is especially true when it comes to household chores, which are about as much fun as an unexpected root canal (and sometimes even more). Here are some thoughts about how to save some of this precious stuff called time that keeps slipping through our fingers and our lives. 1. Prevention is better than the cure. We are not talking here about smoking or other health hazard and disease related measures. … Continue reading

Summer Camps and COVID-19

The summer weather has arrived. Your kids might want to go to summer camp – especially if they do that every summer. Parents need to keep in mind that COVID-19 is still spreading, and that there is no cure or vaccine. There are things to consider about summer camps and COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have some guiding principles to keep in mind about summer camps and COVID-19. These guiding principles are not meant to replace any state, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws. According to the CDC, the more people a camper or … Continue reading

What is Project AWARE?

Shortly after President Obama discussed new policy proposals to reduce gun violence, there were quite a few news articles about something called Project AWARE. What is it? After doing some research, it appears to be the name of the plan to help make mental health care more accessible to people who need it. Recently, I posted a blog that discussed part of the Obama Administration’s plan to reduce gun violence. Since this is the Special Needs Blog, I focused on the parts that related to improved access to mental health care. Today, I saw several news article about something called … Continue reading

The ASPCA Sells Pet Insurance

Did you know that the ASPCA sells pet insurance? They have a wealth of information on their website that will teach you all about what pet insurance is for, why you need it, and more. If you have questions about pet insurance, you can probably find the answer somewhere on the ASPCA website. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was the very first humane society that was established in the United States. They were founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh. They have a program called ASPCA Mission: Orange which works toward ending the unnecessary euthanasia … Continue reading

Christmas Cookie Conundrum

To eat or not to eat; that is the question? Tis the season to be in the kitchen with your kids whipping up the likes of Snowballs, Wintermint Wafers, and Peanut Butter Blossoms… fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Of course, Christmas is not complete without baking a few batches of traditional chocolate chip cookies to dunk into a piping hot mug of cocoa. And by dunk I mean plunge deep into the boiling hot abyss of the popular seasonal drink because if your cookie is undercooked this may be the only way you can heat it … Continue reading

Lyme Disease Vaccine

One of my friends is the wife of a veterinarian. That makes her a useful resource whenever I have questions about my pets’ health. Today we got on the topic of immunizations, and she mentioned one of which I’d never heard: Lyme disease. My friend said that at her husband’s veterinary practice it was standard to immunize against Lyme disease once a year. I was surprised, mostly because I’d never even heard of a vaccine for the disease before, and now I learn that some places administer it yearly. I wanted to know more, so I began researching as soon … Continue reading

The Physical Effects of Anxiety

It may start in your head, but chronic anxiety – day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year – inevitably elicits some pretty profoundly negative responses from the rest of your body. So if you’re living with anxiety, as well as a painful or troublesome physical condition – particularly of the heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, skin, immune system, reproductive system, weight and/or head (as in headaches) – it’s time to make the connection. You may literally be making yourself sick with worry. As shared in my new book, Overcoming, Anxiety, Worry, and Fear: Practical Ways to … Continue reading

Protect Your Baby with a Flu Shot During Pregnancy

This week I was completely knocked out by the flu. I was plastered to my bed for almost two full days while my lovely husband cared for our son all by himself. Looking back I wonder if I could have avoided it altogether had I gotten a flu shot. Flu shots are taken for granted by some and hated by others. It’s a very controversial subject. A recent study, however, presents findings that are hard to refute. Yale compared the medical records of infants who had the flu with those who did not. An overwhelming number of infants who did … Continue reading