Our Ninth Prenatal Visit

It has only been two weeks since my last prenatal visit. The end is in sight! Weekly visits will follow until our daughter is born! As we approach the holidays, I seem to get busier and busier. So to ensure that I could get my workout in, I awoke early, ate a Greek yogurt and did my prenatal pilates before our visit with the midwife. Both my husband and son accompanied me to this visit (we had no impending package deliveries). We entered the cozy carriage house, our son took the opportunity to run around in the open space, while … Continue reading

Our Eighth Prenatal Visit

Three weeks have come and gone once again. This is our last appointment with a three week interval. From now onward we will meet with our midwife in two weeks and then every week until the baby is born. This particular day is a busy one for us so we awoke earlier than normal. After a quick breakfast of Greek yogurt, I exercised right away while our son slept and my husband worked on his dissertation. I wanted to get my workout done before the appointment because I wanted to avoid not being able to squeeze it in after the … Continue reading

Our Sixth Prenatal Visit

This may have been the longest three weeks that I have experienced in quite awhile. I have been a little anxious for this prenatal visit given my last prenatal visit and my excessive weight gain. I have been meticulous these last three weeks about my diet, writing everything done in my food journal. Hopefully the scale will speak for all of my hard work! We arrived for our sixth prenatal visit a few minutes early, I headed for the carriage house bathroom with determination because I really had to go! Once again my urine was spot on (all the colors … Continue reading

Our Third Prenatal Visit

In the midst of birthday celebrations and baby shower planning, we had our third prenatal visit with our midwife. At eighteen weeks and five days, I am feeling really good and aside from my growing midsection, I feel like I am back to my old self with lots of energy and motivation. Our every-three-weeks visits seem to come quickly and meeting fairly often has many advantages. In three short weeks lots of things happened: I added vitamin D3 to my diet, I adamantly exercised five times every week without fail, I gained three pounds, I ate lots of protein, and … Continue reading

Temporary and Permanent Changes

I experienced many changes with my first pregnancy. Some of these changes were permanent while others were only temporary. Some of these changes were good while others where entirely unwanted. Change is inevitable and a necessary part of life. I experienced more changes in that 9 month period than I did in my entire life. Temporary Changes: I experienced chronic fatigue and nausea accompanied by frequent vomiting from week 5 through week 15 of my first pregnancy. I also gained weight steadily in my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. With a sustained diet and exercise, I was able to lose most … Continue reading

Uses for Epsom Salt

Do you have one product that you use for bathing, one that you use to soak your foot, one that you use to clean your face one to help with your arthritis, and one you use to exfoliate your skin? Did you know you could use one simple product to do all that? Epsom salt has been around for years and years, but some people overlook its usefulness. Maybe it’s because they think it is too inexpensive to do any good or maybe they look at it as “just being salt.” You may have soaked in Epsom salt before and … Continue reading

The Unthinkable Has Happened.

The unthinkable has happened. My husband is no longer wearing his wedding ring. No, he’s not about to trade me in for a newer model. His ring simply became too tight. I have been telling him for ages it needed to be cut off but he kept resisting and insisting it was okay, even though to me it looked like to was cutting his finger in two. But yesterday reality struck home. His finger got so sore that the ring needed to be removed. Of course my husband thought it was just one more thing a handyman ought to be … Continue reading

Watching Out for Food Allergies

You’ve probably noticed that I am new to the baby blog! I am still writing over at the pregnancy blog, but since my life is monopolized by a cute little 17-month-old who has recently learned to climb just about every piece of furniture, I thought I would share my experiences, advice and know-how over here as well. While my son is healthy, there is one issue which has a huge impact on our day to day life: he has food allergies. Ever since he was diagnosed just shortly after his first birthday, the way we eat and how we handle … Continue reading

Unwanted Advice

As soon as the word gets out that you are expecting a precious little bundle, the torrential downpour of well-meaning, sometimes misplaced or misinformed advice begins hailing down on you and your innocent journey toward motherhood. Lest you suffer needlessly, your friends and family are going to make sure you know every home remedy known to man for morning sickness, back pain, foot swelling, headaches, and hip pain. Like it or not, the crowds will comment every time they see you lift something heavier than a standard sized envelope. Don’t even think about skipping breakfast unless you want three lectures … Continue reading

Finding the Right Fit

Think of the most popular shoe for pregnant women. It’s not spike heels (let’s hope). I’ve seen plenty of wedges, but they can’t be the most comfortable. Flip flops are pretty common. Most often, I see pregnant women wearing flats: usually the ballet style with a tiny strap and a cute print. In reality, flat shoes aren’t much better than heals when it comes to staying comfortable and preventing foot problems like swelling and pain. Ideally, you should wear a shoe with a small heal (over an inch, but under two) to shift your weight slightly forward, and a well … Continue reading