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Single Parenting: You Are Worthy

A single parent due to divorce, your spirit is a little wounded at this point. You have been hurt in some form and your self-esteem is on the lower end of feeling good about yourself. Whatever the circumstances of your divorce you need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Your children need you and you need to be your whole self once again. You need to come back and be that wonderful, vibrant person that you once were. Do not let this overshadow your thoughts and drag you into thinking that you are anything less than wonderful.

If you feel that you need counseling to help you to sort out your thoughts then that is the first order of business here. Do not delay, as the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be. If you must take medication to help you then do so, but only the weakest dose that you possibly need. Preferably, no medication is best. You need a clear mind. Do something for you, just for you. Take a class, meditate, and spend some time on you and you alone. Surround yourself with positivity. If something drags you down in spirit, rise above it, move away from it. Do not let this be your surroundings. Lose some weight if you need to, make yourself over. It will make you feel better. Look in the mirror and find all of the good things about the way that you look. Buy something that makes you feel pretty or strong. Write down all of the good things about the inner beauty that you bestow. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night, ten if you need it. The kids will be fine. If you need to, ask for help. You need to get yourself better in order to be a stronger parent in both body and mind.

Regaining your self-esteem is a process. It comes sooner for some than for others. Put one foot in front of the other and eventually you will emerge and say, “I am worthy.”

Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health

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About Angel Lynn Diamond

I am a mom to my precious one and only, a nurse in a heartwarming adult living facility, and a freelance writer. I am "Angel" to the one who has helped me through life for the past 2-1/2 years and has made a joyful difference. I am a featured contributing writer for Rich Women Sisterhood, A Distinctive Style magazine and a writing and health advisor on Just Answer. As well, I write greeting cards, articles in health, relationships, diet, fitness, parenting, and travel. I reside in Upstate, NY and enjoy spending time with my loved ones, writing, the outdoors, and fitness. What I would like to say to others is.......Slow down and enjoy the moment, as you cannot get it back. Dream, believe, hope, but most of all have faith. Be careful with your words...they have the potential to hurt or bring forth joy. Remember, gentleness is a comfort to a wounded heart. Wishing you all many blessings. ~Angel Lynn~