End of June Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of June and we’re soaking it up down here. We went from famine to feast where rain is concerned and it’s impaired my workout more than I care to admit. It’s been hard to be flexible when the weather keeps turning on torrential downpours and it impedes our ability to head out and ride bikes, go for long walks and more. We’re making due and I just finished off June’s fitness journal here at home. Next month, I’ll be publishing my journal entries daily to give you some ideas of how daily journaling can help you … Continue reading

End of April Fitness Goal Check

Can you believe it’s the end of April already? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the New Year and then it was Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter and now – tomorrow, we celebrate May Day, then Cinco de Mayo, then Mother’s Day and the list goes on and on and on. We’ve come out of the Winter, into the Spring and now we are on the fast track to summer and the swimsuit season. There’s no better time than today to make your fitness plans, check your goals and more. End of the Month Fitness Goal … Continue reading

End of December Fitness Goal Check

12 months, I began the End of the Month Fitness Goal Check. These Fitness Goal checks were designed to help you keep the finger on the pulse of your fitness program throughout the year. It’s hard to believe that here we are at the end of our 12th month since we began this little adventure and we’re doing our End of December Fitness Goal Check. We celebrated our Anniversary here at Families.com, we celebrated Hanukah, Solstice, Kwanzaa and we celebrated Christmas. Tonight we celebrate the final rest of 2006 and the birth of 2007. It’s been a busy, busy month … Continue reading

End of November Fitness Goal Check

Wow – is it really the end of November? It seems like just yesterday we were out trick or treating and now we’re getting holiday decorations up, still worrying about those extra pounds from Thanksgiving. December also marks my first anniversary here at Families.com and the first anniversary of the site overall – so Happy Birthday Families.com and to all of you who have been with us here this year and joined us throughout the year – woo hoo to you too! The end of the month Fitness Goal Check began as a way to help us look at the … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review October 28-November 3rd

Good morning and welcome to our first week in review for November. It’s the 11th month of the year and it’s getting cold outside! With 19 days left to go till Thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful for and we’ll start with our ten reasons to be thankful for fitness later on today. In the meanwhile, here is our Fitness week in review: Saturday, October 28 In It’s Beautiful Outside: Get Out of the House discussed that getting your kids off the sofa and out of the house is something we should take every opportunity to do. In … Continue reading

End of October Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of October and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and now we’re leaving behind the ninth month of the year, as hard as it is to believe, there are only three months left in this year. November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration as President of the United States of … Continue reading

End of the Month – August Fitness Goal Check

It’s the last day of August and it’s time to look back at the month behind us. I think it’s important that we take a day to self-assess where we are and where we’re going. We’ve done this for every month of this year and now we’re leaving behind the eighth month of the year, as hard as it is to believe and we’re in the home stretch heading for the Autumn Equinox, Fall activities including Halloween and more. I’m still in the middle of my Fitness Magazine, You Can Do It Fitness Challenge so what about you? End of … Continue reading