Affordable Spring Embellishments

The good news is that there is a seemingly endless supply of spring-themed scrapbook embellishments available in craft stores right now.  The bad news is that many of the gorgeous accessories are quite pricey.  Adding just a few of the eye-popping decorations can easily send the price of a single spring layout into the stratosphere. Fortunately, there are a slew of affordable alternatives to expensive scrapbook embellishments.  For example, rather than purchasing elaborate silk flowers to decorate your spring page designs, consider making your own colorful blossoms at home using inexpensive coffee filters.  All you need are some basket-style paper … Continue reading

100 Days

Today is the 100th day of school for my child.  To mark the occasion she and her classmates were asked to bring in 100 of their favorite items. Yes, the assignment that parents from coast-to-coast dread each year. It’s even more dreadful when your kid reminds you that she needs said items two hours before they’re due. So, you run around like a nutcase looking for 100 what to cram into a Ziploc bag? Cheerios, LEGOs, coffee beans… blood, sweat, tears? When all is said and done, hopefully you remember to snap a photo of your kid holding up his … Continue reading

Spring Into Scrapbooking

Spring?  What spring?  I have a quote to add to a seasonal layout:  “Where the h*&# is spring?” Despite the blizzard warnings, school snow days and brutally cold temperatures, I am moving forward with my spring scrapbook. It’s all about denial, right? My efforts may be in stark contrast to what Mother Nature is doling out right now, but I am undeterred.  My daughter is making coffee filter butterflies in school and I’m planning to use them to decorate several pages in my seasonal memory album. The adorable scrapbook embellishment is a cinch to make.  All you need are some … Continue reading

My Funny Valentine

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be dripping with lovey-dovey prose and high-octane romance in dark secluded spots.  For many families, February 14th is a time for love and laughter. If you are looking to create a Love Day layout for your funny Valentine, consider peppering the page with the following humorous quotes and poems: You know it’s love when you want to keep holding hands even after you’re sweaty. You can’t put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories. Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know … Continue reading

Oh Baby!

Baby scrapbooks don’t have to cost an arm and a leg to make.  While, there are dozens of budget-busting elements you can add to your memory book, frugal crafters have affordable options as well. For starters, the Internet is teeming with free items you can print in the comfort of your own home.  Scrapbooking websites are filled with an array of free baby book printables, including, but not limited to worksheets, special occasion pages, growth records, decorative paper, quotes and poems. Printable worksheets allow you to document your child’s milestones in an organized manner.  For example, rather than randomly jot … Continue reading

Super Inspiration

Don’t let Sunday’s Super Bowl match-up between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers kick-off in vain. Even if your favorite team didn’t make it to the NFL championship game, you can still party with other football fans.  The festivities can then be documented in a simple scrapbook layout featuring football-themed elements. Start with affordable embellishments, such as stickers, stamps and die cuts in the shape of footballs, goal posts, helmets, jerseys, cleats, banners, mascots, flags, cheerleading megaphones, foam fingers and pennants. Next, spice up your page title with a play on words.  Some examples include:  “Having a Ball,” … Continue reading

School Scrapbooking – Meet the Teacher Ideas

Last night was ‘Meet the Teacher’ night at our elementary school. It seems early doesn’t it? But in reality, we are in a year-round school system and we start our new school year tomorrow. Oddly, on a Thursday. There are pro’s and con’s to being in school ‘year-round’ as they call it. Plenty of longer breaks, half days and other luxuries that more traditional schools don’t enjoy. My children have been in both traditional and year-round, and I have never even thought of creating a scrapbook layout depicting the difference and how I feel about each one. That is certainly … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Extraordinary Moments and Events in Life

It isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned it, and more than likely, it certainly won’t be the last. Scrapbooking those hard times, the things we would rather leave unspoken. But what kind of picture does it depict when someone glances through our albums and everything looks perfectly rosy and happy all of the time? Most families are touched by divorce in some way, yet this is a topic you don’t see in scrapbook layouts very often. I can honestly say, I have actually created a 2 page layout about my divorce. I haven’t slipped it into an album yet, for … Continue reading

Creative Keepsakes Scrapbook Convention – Charlotte, North Carolina 2008

It isn’t too late, even though the date is rapidly approaching. This year Creating Keepsakes Scrapbook Convention (CKC) ’08 is coming to Charlotte, North Carolina on August 15-16, 2008. And while it is coming up fast, there is still time to register and sign up for classes and workshops. You have until Sunday, July 27 at 12 midnight Easter Standard Time to register online for the first pick of your favorite classes and crops. And if you register online between now and Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time, you will receive a free gift from Wausau … Continue reading

Why Scrapbooking Makes Me Happy

Since I was very young, I can always remember needing a creative outlet in which to express myself. Before it was scrapbooking it was stamping, and before it was stamping it was arts and crafts. Even from a really young age, I can remember being enthralled with the idea of saving memories and making myself relive them over and over again. I can remember making ‘books’ as I called them, with magazine cut-outs and photographs and words and journaling and cool pictures and drawings. That wasn’t just a book. It was the beginning of a scrapbook. Albeit not a very … Continue reading