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Why Pray For Your Community?

In a recent blog I suggested praying for the community where we live. Why should we pray for our communities? Because it is the place where God has put us and we are to be a witness or ambassador there just as Paul was in Corinth, 2 Corinthians 5:20.

In Acts 22:15 , though these words were spoken by Ananias to Paul, I believe they ought also apply to us. We need to witness to what we have seen, heard, experienced and know of Jesus.

Have you ever thought that you may be in the community where you are because there is someone you can help? Someone with whom you can share the good news about Jesus? Someone who is going through hard times, who needs a friend? You can be their friend, but also introduce them to the ‘friend who sticks closer than a brother,’Proverbs 18:24.

A truthful witness saves lives, Proverbs 14:25. You may be able to save the lives of others by introducing them to the Lord Jesus and His saving power and by speaking the truth to them, Ephesians 4:25. We are to make the most of the opportunities we have to talk to those in our neighborhood about Jesus, Colossians 4:5

We need to pray for our community because ‘the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour,’ 1 Peter 5:8. So, pray for the protection physically, spiritually and emotionally of those who have not yet come to know Jesus – that God will bring them to that point. Pray also for believers, for their continued growth and maturity in the Christian life.

In the place where God has put you, you are to be salt and light, Matthew 5:13-16. Your conversations need to be seasoned with salt, Colossians 4:6.

Sometimes we may think we’re having little effect on those around us. But often others see what we are unaware of. Recently someone commented to another person about the impact we had in a previous church and community. We were delighted to think that was so. Looking from our point of view, it hadn’t seemed we’d done that much. But maybe at times we can be our own harshest critics. Sometimes we may be unaware of the impact and effect our lives are having on those around us.

Prayer changes hearts, people attitudes and situations. Don’t you want to see those changes in your community?

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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