The Value of the Free Day

“Why do all the diets coming out now recommend a “free day” when you can eat anything you want, even junk food? Doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of dieting all week?” The value of the Free Day is two-fold. 1. Knowing that you only have to hang in there for six days and can then eat everything you were craving helps you keep your head in the game. It helps you to stay positive about what you’re doing. When you’re sitting down to your fourth meal of chicken breast and steamed vegetables and really starting to get down about … Continue reading

There is Value in Everything

Hard lessons, tough days, big changes–there are times when it can seem like finding a point to all the struggles and seemingly random hardships is impossible. But from one single parent to another, I really do believe that there is value of some sort in every challenge and lesson… It may not be obvious at the onset, and the value may just be to teach you how to say “no” or walk away–but there is still something useful to be found in all sorts of events and realities. I do not think that everything that happens to us or around … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Your Values and Virtues

Recently I came across an interesting article which was talking about Benjamin Franklin. I am usually one of those gals that seriously does not enjoy most historical information. I am just not a history buff, and I prefer the literary world much more. However, there was a blurb in the article that caught my eye. It stated that Benjamin Franklin made a list of thirteen personal virtues in which he wanted to develop within himself during his lifetime. I was absolutely fascinated with that idea, and immediately I saw a scrapbook layout developing in my mind. The virtues that Mr. … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: A Toddler’s Proper Place on the Weight Charts

Question: My youngest is one and starting to lose ground on the charts. All of my kids went through this when they started becoming very active and I night weaned. My ped wants me to stop breastfeeding and put him on whole milk. I want to continue to breastfeed. I’ve been giving him baby yogurt, ice cream (he hates it), avocado (he hates it) cookies and other junk food to get the calories in. Any other suggestions? Ah. . .doctors and their lack of knowledge on breastfeeding coupled with their attachment to those charts = a dangerous combination. To put … Continue reading

When Parents Are Too Competitive About Everything

Years ago, when my children were still preschool age, my daughters went to a preschool that in many ways was absolutely wonderful. BUT, I had a hard time blending very well with the other parents—mostly because they seemed to be an usually competitive group. Now I’m not talking about parents screaming on the sidelines at a soccer game, I’m talking about bragging, boasting, and comparing every single milestone and developmental step. To hear these parents talk, you’d think that no child had ever done anything before theirs! Of course, there are always some parents who feel very competitive about things … Continue reading

Values That Last: Intro

I’m going to begin a series of blogs taken from a small group study course our church is promoting. The title of this course is called “Values That Last” and was presented to those who wished to participate, as a “small-group-in-a-bag”. Within this bag everything that is needed to lead and maintain a group is there: Study books, group leader guide, DVD (for leader instruction and group lessons), pens, name tags, invite cards, and contact information for further support by our church. All of this was provided completely free of charge. My husband and I will be working together on … Continue reading

The Affirming Value of a Child’s Teddy – Voices from Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Teddy bears have long been the comfort of children everywhere. In an effort to reclaim the comfort of my lounge room I have this morning been packing up hundreds of teddies left over from the 2006 Cairns Teddy Tour-A-Thon to donate to children’s charities. As the Teddies beady little eyes pleaded with me not to suffocate them with my large black plastic bags, my conscience did a real Megan act and stood up against the emotionally flat and repetitious packing actions of my hands. Determined to stay strong in my task, I shut my ears and heart to the silent … Continue reading

Real Food Matters

How well does your family eat? Sometimes, it can seem like the easiest solution to dinner is the best choice, especially when busy families are balancing after-school activities, homework, and everything else. Fast food is quick, but generally not the healthiest way to go. Instead, families should change their lifestyle to include real food. Don’t worry if you feel that learning about real food, how to cook it, and where to buy it, seems overwhelming. There is a fantastic website that can teach you everything you need to know. BantingWarehouse understands that real food matters. They provide information for people … Continue reading

Ways to Make Disneyland Less Expensive

Planning a trip to Disneyland? Your children will love it. Your wallet, however, may be cringing already! Family travel can get expensive very quickly, especially when a theme park is involved. Here are some ways to make Disneyland a little less expensive. How to save money on tickets If you live in Anaheim, California, you won’t have much difficulty finding a discount on tickets to Disneyland. There are “Disneyland Good Neighbor” hotels that can legally sell tickets at a discounted price. If you live elsewhere, you can take advantage of the discounted tickets by booking a hotel stay in one … Continue reading

Plugged In Parent?

Are you a plugged in parent?  I’m talking about the kind of parent who is involved in your teenager’s life…in such a way that you would recognize signs of bad behavior.  Things like drinking, drugs, oh, even prostitution. Can you imagine not knowing that your teenager was not only sexually active but had been with married men?  Had prostituted herself out in order to get ecstasy? That was the situation in a recent Dr. Phil show I watched.  I would have to say this was probably the most clueless mother I have ever seen. The specifics of the show don’t … Continue reading